160+- Acres Tillable, Pasture, & Hunting; Sumner County Kansas Near Wellington/Conway Springs
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Eric & Elizabeth Meitner, Sellers
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 160+- acres in Sumner County, Kansas southwest of Wellington. There are approximately 83 acres of tillable currently planted to Wheat, with the balance of the property native pasture, timber, pond, and spring. This property offers a nice balance between hunting/recreation and agriculture. Water is such an important commodity, which makes the spring on this property so valuable for both livestock and wildlife. Access to the northeast corner of the property is provide by a good quality township road. Great opportunity to Invest In Sumner County, Kansas Land!
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Northeast Quarter of Section 16, Township 33 South, Range 03 West of the 6th PM, Sumner County, Kansas.
2019 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $653.68.
LAND LOCATION: From Wellington, Kansas West on HWY 160 9 miles to Chickaskia Rd, South 4 miles to W 60th St S, West 3 Miles to Conway Springs Rd, South 1 mile to the property.
TERMS: There will be a 10% Buyers Premium added to the high bid to determine the contract price. The property will be selling by the acre, your bid times 160. The auction will have a soft closing, meaning if a bid is received within the final 2 minutes of the auction closing it will automatically extend the bidding for another 2 minutes. This property is selling in “as is” condition, not subject to financing, inspections, or appraisal. Interested buyers need to view the property prior to the date of the auction and have financing available and any inspections performed prior to bidding. $25,000 earnest money will be required immediately following the auction via personal check, certified check, or wire transfer. That earnest money is non-refundable if the successful high bidder fails to close on the property per the terms stated. The balance shall be due upon Sellers submission of merchantable title and closing. Closing date shall be on or before December 11, 2020. Closing fee and title Insurance fee will be split 50/50 between Seller and Buyer. Selling subject to easements, restrictions, roadways and rights of way. All pertinent information is available upon request. All announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over any other announcements or printed material.Sundgren Realty Inc. will be acting as Sellers Agents. The successful high bidder will be required to sign the real estate purchase contract linked above, and they will be buying the property subject to the preliminary search report also linked above.
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