240+- Acres Greenwood County, Kansas Land Northwest of Piedmont – Watershed Lake, Ponds, Pasture, & Tillable
ASKING PRICE: $1,272,000
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Scenic Flint Hills land northwest of Piedmont in Greenwood County, Kansas. Water features on this property are abundant with a 15+- acre Watershed Lake, 2 ponds, and multiple wet weather creeks and draws. Enjoy excellent Largemouth Bass fishing in the lake, as well as good populations of Crappie, Bluegill, and Channel Catfish. There is a 3″ rural water line running along G Rd all along the west boundary of the property. This property offers a diverse cross section of features including native bluestem pasture, tillable, and a wide variety of trees including Oak, Walnut and Sycamore. Abundant wildlife includes Kansas Whitetail Deer, Turkey, and Quail. Rarely do you find the opportunity to purchase such a quality, scenic, and secluded property with all of these characteristics in place on a 240+- acre property. Take advantage of this rare opportunity to Invest In Land!
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E/2 NW/4 and SW/4 Section 15, Township 27 South, Range 9 East of the 6th PM, Greenwood County, Kansas SURFACE RIGHTS ONLY.
LAND LOCATION: From HWY 400 west of Piedmont, north on J Rd 4 miles to 55th St, west 2 miles to G Rd, north 1/2 mile to the property.
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