313+- Acres Wilson County Land For Sale By Auction Near Neodesha, Kansas
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 113+- acres of Verdigris River tillable bottom ground, Verdigris River, and timber located on the East edge of Neodesha, Kansas. There is currently approximately 42 acres planted to Soybeans, 30 acres planted to Brome grass, and 6 1/2 acres planted to Corn. Hunting and fishing opportunities are abundant along the approximately 1/2 mile of the Verdigris River included with this tract. Expand your farming operation with high quality river bottom tillable ground, or invest in a combination of agriculture, recreation, and location!
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 113+- acres in Sections 20 & 21, Township 30 South, Range 16 East of the 6th PM, Wilson County, Kansas. Please call or email us for the exact legal.
LAND LOCATION: From HWY 75 (Main St in Neodesha), North on 4th St to the property.
2014 REAL ESTATE TAXES: Tract 1 was taxed with addition real estate, taxes TBD.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 200+- acres of pasture, large elevation changes, 52+- acres of tillable ground, gas income, and heavy timber. This very scenic tract of land has a great combination of agriculture use and recreation. There are two ponds, creek, and a producing gas well. The landowners 2014 gas royalty was $2387. The perimeter fencing is mostly all new steel post and 5 barbed wire. Excellent tract of Southeast Kansas Hunting land with agricultural income.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW/4 NW/4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Thirty (30) South, Range Fifteen (15) East of the Sixth Principal Meridian AND The Northeast Quarter (NE/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Thirty (30) South, Range Fifteen (15) East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, ALL IN Wilson County, Kansas.
LAND LOCATION: From HWY 400 at Neodesha, West on 425 Rd. (curves North into 450 Rd.) 1 1/2 miles to the property.
2014 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $603.42.
TERMS: Earnest money is $25,000 down on each tract at the conclusion of the Auction with the balance due upon Sellers submission of merchantable title and closing. Closing date shall be on or before November 23, 2015. Closing fee and title Insurance fee will be split 50/50 between Seller and Buyer. Selling subject to easements, restrictions, roadways and rights of way. This property is not selling subject to financing or inspections. Interested buyers need to view the property prior to the date of the auction and have financing available and any inspections performed prior to bidding. All pertinent information is available upon request. All announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over any other announcements or printed material.
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