318+- Acres Rice County Irrigated Tillable Ground Near Sterling, Kansas
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Very rarely do you see the opportunity to purchase high quality irrigated tillable farm ground north of Sterling in Rice County, Kansas. Sterling is a town of approximately 2328 residents, an attractive and well kept downtown, and is home to Sterling College. If you are looking to invest your money in land, agriculture, water, and location, look no further!
Carol Jean Kilbourn Trust, Seller
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 160+- acres of Rice County, Kansas irrigated tillable farm ground near Sterling, Kansas. There are 123+- acres under irrigation from a 7 tower Valley center pivot. The irrigation equipment is owned by the current tenant. The water well on the property is permit #11664 with a priority date of February 21, 1966 for 200 AF and 700 GPM. There are 23+- acres of dry land crop in the corners. The soils are Carwile fine sandy loam Class II, Naron fine sandy loam 0-1% slope Class II andT abler clay loam Class II. The property has 1/2 mile of HWY 14 blacktop frontage along the east and blacktop frontage and a shelterbelt along the south side of the property. There is a sand road along the west side of the property. Very rarely will you have the opportunity to purchase a quarter section of irrigated land north of Sterling, Kansas.
LAND LOCATION: From Sterling, Kansas north on HWY 14 (HWY 96) 1 1/2 mile to the property.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW/4) of Section FOUR (4), Township TWENTY-ONE (21) South, Range EIGHT (8) West of the Sixth P.M, Rice County, Kansas.
2014 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $1383.03.
EARNEST MONEY: $100,000.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 78+- acres of Rice County, Kansas irrigated tillable farm ground near Sterling, Kansas. There are 31.8+- acres under irrigation from a center pivot. The irrigation equipment is owned by the current tenant. The well has permit #39079 with a priority date of November 10, 1988 for 47 AF and 385 GPM. There are 40+- acres of dry land crop. The soils are Farnum-Slickspots complex Class IV and Tabler clay silt loam Class II. This tract also includes a 60′ x 32′ metal machine shed. Blacktop road runs along the south side of the property and sand road along the east.
LAND LOCATION: From Sterling, Kansas north on HWY 14 (HWY 96) 1 1/2 mile to Avenue T, then West 1/2 mile to the property.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The EAST HALF of the SOUTHEAST QUARTER (E/2 SE/4) of Section FIVE (5), Township TWENTY-ONE (21) South, Range EIGHT (8) West of the 6th Principal Meridian, in Rice County, Kansas, LESS AND EXCEPT a tract described as follows: Commencing at a point Nine Hundred Fifty (950) Feet North of the Southeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of Section Five (5), Township Twenty-one (21) South, Range Eight (8) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Rice County, Kansas, and running thence West on a Ninety Degree Zero Minutes Zero Seconds (90°00’00”) angle for a distance of Three Hundred Seventy (370) Feet; thence North parallel with the East line of said Southeast Quarter (SE/4), Two Hundred Fifteen (215) Feet; thence East parallel with the South line of said tract, Three Hundred Seventy (370) Feet; thence South along the East line of said Southeast Quarter (SE/4), Two Hundred Fifteen Feet to the Place of Beginning.
2014 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $1,172.92.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 80+- acres of Rice County, Kansas irrigated tillable farm ground near Sterling, Kansas. There are 35+- acres under irrigation from a center pivot. All of the irrigation equipment belongs to the tenant. The well has permit #28928 with a priority date of November 15, 1977 for 21 AF and 370 GPM. There are 44+- acres of dry land crop. The soils are Farnum loam 0-1% slope Class II and Carwile fine sandy loam 0-1% slope Class II. This property has a sand road running along the east side of the property and is located only 1/2 mile from blacktop.
LAND LOCATION: From Sterling, Kansas north on HWY 14 (HWY 96) 1/2 mile to Avenue U, West 1/2 mile to 15th Rd., North 1/4 mile to the property.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The NORTH HALF of the SOUTHEAST QUARTER (N/2 SE/4) of Section EIGHT (8), Township TWENTY-ONE (21) South< Range EIGHT (8) West of the Sixth P.M., Rice County, Kansas.
2014 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $413.62.
TERMS: Earnest money is specified above and due at the conclusion of the Auction with the balance due upon Sellers submission of merchantable title and closing. Closing date shall be on or before August 17, 2015. Closing fee and title Insurance fee will be split 50/50 between Seller and Buyer. Selling subject to easements, restrictions, roadways and rights of way. This property is not selling subject to financing or inspections. Interested buyers need to view the property prior to the date of the auction and have financing available and any inspections performed prior to bidding. All pertinent information is available upon request. All announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over any other announcements or printed material.
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