320+- Acres, 4 Individual Tracts, Augusta Kansas Investment Land For Sale
Joe B. Lefever Living Trust, Seller
Invest In Land! 4 great tracts of land located on the East edge of Augusta, Kansas. Current agriculture income with future development potential. There is an 8″ rural water line on the north side of 70th, and a 4″ rural water line on the east side of Shumway.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 80+- acres consisting of approximately 41 acres of tillable and the balance in native pasture and timber. The native pasture has been utilized as hay meadow. Great location!
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter Section 11, Township 27 South, Range 04 East of the 6th PM, Butler County, Kansas.
2017 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $623.46.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 79+- acres consisting of approximately 68.6 acres of tillable and the balance in native pasture and timber. There is a large elevation change rising from East to West, with a great building location on the top of the hill. Sitting on the hill is a water well, old windmill, and some misc. utility buildings.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North Half of the Southeast Quarter Section 11, Township 27 South, Range 04 East of the 6th PM, Butler County, Kansas EXCEPT a 200′ x 300′ tract in the northwest corner of the subject property.
2017 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $843.04.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 80+- acres consisting of approximately 64.2 acres of tillable and the balance in native pasture, large rolling hills, and timber. There is a large elevation change rising from East to West, with a great building location on the top of the hill. Sitting on the hill is a water well, old windmill, and some misc. utility buildings.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The West Half of the Northeast Quarter Section 11, Township 27 South, Range 04 East of the 6th PM, Butler County, Kansas.
2017 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $898.40 total for Tracts 3 & 4.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 80+- acres consisting of native Bluestem pasture, a large hill stretching the length of the property, and timber. The native pasture has been utilized for cattle grazing with the water source provided by the water well on Tract 2. Great site to build a home, graze livestock, or hold for an investment!
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The East Half of the Northeast Quarter Section 11, Township 27 South, Range 04 East of the 6th PM, Butler County, Kansas.
2017 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $898.40 total for Tracts 3 & 4.
TERMS: Earnest money is $25,000 down on each tract at the conclusion of the Auction with the balance due upon Sellers submission of merchantable title and closing. Closing date shall be on or before March 23, 2018. Closing fee and title Insurance fee will be split 50/50 between Seller and Buyer. Selling subject to easements, restrictions, roadways and rights of way. This property is not selling subject to financing or inspections. Interested buyers need to view the property prior to the date of the auction and have financing available and any inspections performed prior to bidding. All pertinent information is available upon request. All announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over any other announcements or printed material.
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