72+- Acres Cowley County, KS Near Winfield – Limestone Cabin, Walnut River Frontage, Trees and Tillable
Butler Family Trust, Seller
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 11755 212th Rd., Winfield, KS 67156
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Hand cut limestone cabin on 72+- acres with nearly 3/4 mile of Walnut River frontage southeast of Winfield in Cowley County, Kansas. Land features include over 150′ of elevation change from the river bottom tillable ground to the peak of the highest hill. With a mixture of tillable farm ground, pasture and timber, this property packs a lot of features into the 72+- acres. Deer, turkeys and quail are common game, and nearly every Kansas fish could be caught in the river. The Walnut River is approximately 50′ across for nearly the entire 3/4 mile stretch! A small seasonal creek comes from the hills to the east and runs along the north side of the cabin before joining the Walnut River. That cabin was built in 1950, and has 884 square feet of living area on the main level plus a full unfinished basement. Main floor rooms include 2 bedrooms, a living room, 1 bathroom, and kitchen. Utilities on the property include well water, propane, electric and a septic system. Access is provide by blacktop 212th Rd. A wide variety of trees are present on the property including oak, walnut, pear, pecan, sycamore, ash, elm and more! In addition to the cabin, there is a storage building, another building that could be repurposed into covered patio area, a couple of outdoor grills/smokers, concrete picnic tables, horseshoe pits, and a large beautiful yard ideal for family fun! This truly is a unique opportunity to Invest In Land!
AERIAL PHOTO: The aerial image showing the boundaries was provided by Cowley County GIS mapping. That aerial photo is not guaranteed to be correct.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 33 South, Range 4 East of the 6th P.M., lying East and South of the Walnut River, Cowley County, Kansas.
PROPERTY LOCATION: From Winfield 4 1/4 mile south on HWY 77 to 212th Rd., 3 3/4 miles east to the property.
2023 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $1,155.56
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