80+- Acres Butler County Land North of Leon, Kansas; Pasture, Timber, & Blacktop Frontage
ASKING PRICE: $168,000.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 80+- acres north of Leon in Butler County, Kansas. Access is provided by blacktop along the east boundary, and township gravel road on the south. Recently the property has been leased to a neighbor for cattle grazing. There is an old water well and remnants of a windmill that is not currently in operation, along with an old barn and native rock limestone fence at the south end of the property. There is a rural water line 1/4 mile east of the property and 700′ west of the property, both in Rural Water District #6. This property is selling surface rights only.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The E/2 SE/4 Section 8, Township 27 South, Range 06 East of the 6th PM, Butler County, Kansas.
LAND LOCATION: From Leon Kansas, 1 mile north on Bluestem Rd.
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