AUCTION DATE: Thursday February 20, 2014 6:00 P.M.
AUCTION LOCATION: Whitewater Senior Center, 108 E. Topeka, Whitewater, KS.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 80+- acres of Northwest Butler County Kansas land. There is approximately 74.13 acres of tillable ground consisting of Irwin Silty Clay Loam and Goessel Silty Clay Loam soils. The south boundary of the property has a hedge row. Access is a blacktop road along the west boundary. Very rarely is there an opportunity to purchase quality tillable land in this part of Butler County. There is 36+- acres currently planted to wheat and the balance was planted to soybeans in 2013.
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 23 South, Range 3 East of the 6th P.M., in Butler County, Kansas; subject to public road.
LAND LOCATION: From HWY 196 East of Whitewater, North on Butler Rd. 3 ¼ mile.
2013 REAL ESTATE TAXES: $504.98.
TERMS: Earnest money is $25,000 due at the conclusion of the Auction with the balance due upon Sellers submission of merchantable title and closing. Closing date shall be on or before March 20, 2014. Closing fee and title Insurance fee will be split 50/50 between Seller and Buyer. Selling subject to easements, restrictions, roadways and rights of way. This property is not selling subject to financing. Interested buyers need to view the property prior to the date of the auction and have financing available prior to bidding. All pertinent information is available upon request. All announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over any other announcements or printed material.
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