Barrett Simon

A native of Butler County, Barrett graduated from Flinthills High School before earning Animal Science degrees from both Butler Community College and Kansas State University. While in attendance, he was a member of nationally competitive livestock judging teams and was named the 2016 High Individual at the National Meat Animal Evaluation Contest.
Since earning his degree, Barrett has spent time working with ranches on both a state and national scale seeing grazing systems and forage management practices through many diverse production systems. Additionally, Barrett works on his family’s multi-generation Flint Hills ranch and brings passion for grazing, ranchland, and other rural properties to the Sundgren Realty team.
As an auctioneer, Barrett also works in both commercial and purebred cattle sales and believes strongly in the auction method of marketing. When not at an auction, he can be found on his family’s ranch south of Rosalia. Barrett is a member of St. John’s Catholic Church in El Dorado and volunteers for the Butler County Youth Livestock Foundation.