Livestock Feed Yard and/or Processing Facility – Burden, Kansas
PROPERTY ADDRESS: 19525 112th Rd., Burden, KS 67019
ASKING PRICE: $350,000
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Livestock feeding facility on 28 acres west of Burden in Cowley County, Kansas. The is a 100′ x 50′ red iron frame structure plus an additional 74′ x 36′ that has a tub for working livestock, permanent cattle loading ramp, concrete structure to add onto the existing building, rough in for a bathroom, and an underground storage tank for water. The facility is licensed for up to 999 animal units. Rural water services the property. There are 10 different holding pens, each with an automatic waterer. An additional holding pen could be completed, and it already has a waterer in place as well. A total of approximately 1000′ of concrete bunks are in place with a concrete apron. There is a lot of value in place on this property versus what replacement cost would be. With some finishing touches, you could turn this into an excellent facility! Access along the north boundary is blacktop. Take a look at this opportunity to Invest in Agriculture and Invest in Land!
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: W/2 NE/4 EXC Beginning West 1760.56′ From the Northeast Corner NE/4, South 375′, West 464.64′, North 375′, East 464.64′ Lying North of the centerline of the RR ROW TO POB LESS ROW Section 31, Township 31 South, Range 06 East of the 6th PM Cowley County, Kansas
PROPERTY LOCATION: From Burden, 2 1/2 miles west on 112th Rd.
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